Sunday, November 16, 2014


This week I started implementing my technology related idea. As I mentioned before the best option for me was to implement the Web Quests with my students in the classroom. So this is what I did and here are my results.

The first thing I did was teach them about the use and benefits of a Web Quest, teach them what it's used for and how to use it.

I first noticed they were surprised and somewhat confused because they had never heard of something like that before. So I tried to make them understand the best way of having results and using this as a benefit and motivation for them. I also told them that Web Quests are a very popular way of learning in other countries and I noticed immediately a change in their attitude so I think they were attracted by that idea.

Then we made groups and discussed the pros and cons of using this technique in class and by the end I felt everyone loved it. I was greatly amazed and happy because that was one of the problems I felt they had, motivation.

My Web Quest at Zunal.
The next class we made a trial together with the Web Quest I created for this e-teacher course which is about Latin American Writers and we went step by step together. We divided into pairs and worked like that in all the following classes. We are half way there and so I gave them some homework and I'm planning to make a survey on our next class which can give me a better feedback of the results and the opinion of my students.

I am really enthusiastic to see what my following result are going to be. I can already notice their excitement when we are having classes and they come to me more motivated.

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